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- $32.99
Herald of Destiny
Item #: B-HERALD

Item Description:
The story of the Jews in the medieval era 750-1650The second book in the series weaves an informative and provocative tapestry out of the events of the Jewish Middle Ages, 750 - 1650. Rabbi Wein tells of the Jewish achievements of power, wealth, and scholarship during the Golden Age of Spain, of Rashi and the Tosafists, Rabbi Yehuda Halevy and Maimonides. He relates the strong role that the Jews played in the Renaissance and the Reformation as patrons of arts and sponsors of exploration and commerce. But, he also tells of the Almohad persecutions, the Crusades, the Black Death, the burning of the Talmud in Paris, the divisive and bitter rivalries, and the quarrels and violence within the Jewish community itself.
Through his hundreds of lectures, Rabbi Wein has brought the Torah perspective on history to thousands of listeners. In this original work, he paints a magnificent, panoramic picture of our people in the centuries that shaped us and our world. This major work has the touches of luxury you expect in books of this magnitude, including a ribbon place-marker and embossed foil-stamped jacket. Large 8-1/2" x 11" "coffee-table" format. Beautifully written and illustrated, it is accurate and incisive, yet personal and passionate. It is informative, provocative, and inspiring. Seldom is must reading so enjoyable.
Table of Contents
Section I: Transition 750-1000
Geonim / Decline of
Babylonian Jewry / Rav Saadya Gaon / The Jewish Center of Babylonia Ends / The
Four Hostages
The End of the Geonic
Rabbis Sherira and Hai
Gaon / Changing of the Guard - Rav Hai Gaon / New Leadership
The Jews Come to Spain
Chisdai Ibn Shaprut /
The Jewish Khazar Kingdom / Chisdai's Proteges / Shmuel HaNagid / Yosef
HaNagid / Ibn Gabirol / Rabbi Yitzchak Alfasi
The Jews in Western
The Kalonymus Family /
Rabbeinu Gershom / Italian Jewry / Provence
The House of Rashi
Rashi's Commentary
to the Talmud / Rashi's Commentary to the Bible / The Tosafos /
Commentary to the Talmud / Rabbeinu Tam / Other Major Tosafists
Life in the Middle
Moslem Society /
Christian Society / Feudal Society / Fun and Childhood / Towns
Poetry, Liturgy,
and Prayer
Piyutim and
Paytanim / Rabbi Elazar Hakalir / The Poets of Spain / The Poets
of Italy / The Poets of Provence / Ashkenazic Poets
The Golden Age
Golden Age for
Torah / Rabbi Moshe Ibn Ezra / Poet and Philosopher / Rabbi
Avraham Ibn Ezra / The Almohads
Rabbi Moshe
ben Maimon
Roots / The Pen of Moshe / In Defense of the Weakened / In the
Emperor's Court / Mishneh Torah / Court Intrigue
The Wise
Men of Provence
Heirs to
the Geonim / Provence Develops / Rabbi Yosef Kimchi /
Provence's Philosophers / Philosophical Greatness
The Age
of the Crusades
First Crusade / The Second Crusade / The Third Crusade /
The Fourth and Fifth Crusades / Scholarly Achievements /
Ashkenazic Jewry After the Crusades
Black Death
Enactments / German and Austrian Jewry after the Plague
End of Jewish Spain
Cristian Reconquest of Spain / Debating the Faith /
The Controversy Regarding Rambam / Rambam's Works are
Burned / The Burning of the Talmud / Reconciliation /
The End of Jewish Spain
/ Rosh / The Great Schism / The Beginning of the End /
The Ran and His Disciples / Apostates / The Great
Debate at Tortosa / The End Draws Near / The
Inquisition / Abarbanel / The Expulsion of 1492
Bitter Aftermath
from Portuagal / Dovid HaReuveni / Resettlement of
the Sephardim
Among the Sephardim and Provencal Jews / Kabbalah
in Germany / The Ari and Lurianic Kabbalah / The
Influence of Kabbalah
in the Renaissance
/ The Printing Press / Discrediting of Aristotle
/ Don Yosef Nasi
Yosef Caro / Rabbi Yaakov Bei Rav / Shulchan
Aruch / The Rema
Yaakov Pollak / The Jews in Polish Society /
Torah Scholarship / Persecution by the