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Palestinian State & the Middle East Today Curriculum
Understanding the Palestinian State and Issues about Israel Today
Educators Curriculum
Item #: Curr-Pal-ME

Item Description:
If, and when, the Palestinians attempt to legitimize their state through the United Nations in September-October 2011, the entire world will be speaking about this event and its implications. The media will fill the airwaves with this issue. And almost no Jewish school, Jewish campus organization and any other Jewish organization is properly prepared to know how to react to these events, from an objective perspective, from a Jewish perspective. What is the Israeli position on this and other related issues? What are the facts? How do we convey the Israeli view to our students/constituents, when the news organizations, intentionally or not, do not present all the information regarding each issue? The Destiny Foundation has produced a comprehensive curriculum that presents each issue through the “language” of the 21st century, original video clips with accompanying instant lessons.The Destiny Foundation has identified three general areas, and 11 specific issues/lessons, that relate, not only to the Palestinians State, but also to Israel today. Each of the issues/lessons is independent, and you can select to discuss only those issues that you and your students/constituent s feel are most important. Each issue is presented with one, two or three trigger video clips (you can decide to show one or more). An Instant Lesson Plan is included for the leader/teacher to use in discussing the issue, as an Educators Guide. Finally, for those who have the time, in-depth articles, often presenting various sides of the issues are available about each issue.
The Video Clips:
The Destiny Foundation interviewed Dore Gold, an articulate, native English speaker and former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, who speaks, in these exclusive video clips, to Jewish students of all ages and backgrounds. In addition, several original clips, prepared by the Destiny Foundation, compare and contrast the founding of the State of Israel with the foundation of the State of Palestine. Video clips on the issues of Palestinian Refugees and the State of Israel from the Moslem perspective, were also developed by the Destiny Foundation. Several other informational video clips are also included. These video clips are meant to trigger discussion and represent each speakers specific viewpoint – not necessarily that of the Destiny Foundation – or your organization.
The Instant Lesson Plans:
Each Lesson Plan contains the following:
a) Goals of the Lesson
b) Description of the Video Clip(s)
c) What the Palestinians say on the Issue and
d) Suggested Main Talking Points.
Each plan is independent and relates to one issue/topic, and is concise and easy to use.
Additional Resource Materials:
For each issue/lesson, several related articles (culled from generally recognized sources, the Israeli Foreign Ministry, newspapers, etc.) have been made available, that can be downloaded and printed. Many of the articles contain differing perspectives on the issues, and present the issue in greater depth than either the video clip or the Instant Lesson. These articles are ideal for the teacher/leader and those interested students who wish to delve deeper into the topic.