Rabbi Wein.com The Voice of Jewish History

Rabbi Wein’s Weekly Blog


All societies are governed by standards of behavior, accepted norms and the setting of goals, both societal and personal. In dictatorships these norms, goals and challenges are set by the ruler or by an oligarchy that rules. In a democratic society the setting of standards must spring from the society itself. But what standards does such a society set for itself? Are these standards to be...

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In My Opinion
Rabbi Berel Wein


I recently received a flyer advertising a new set of CD-Rom disks that contain 15,000 scholarly Torah-oriented books on its shiny small surfaces. I have a decent library of books in my home but not by any stretch of exaggeration can my library be said to contain 15,000 books. In order to house the books that I do own I have had numerous bookshelves and bookcases built in various areas of our...

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In My Opinion
Rabbi Berel Wein